Saturday, 25 August 2012

Interaction Design, Project Two, Blog One

To start off project two we had to make maps in groups and then test how well they worked. In doing this I found that recognisable symbols are really effective, as when using the map I was given I found I was able to identify where it was leading me, however some weren't explicit enough. I also found that as soon as I saw a symbol I thought I recognised I did not bother to really look at it much more as I just assumed what it meant and this lead me to becoming lost.

So for my project I think I will make a smart phone app. I think this is the best option as practically people won't want to have to carry around another device, and a phone is something most people already have and is generally in most peoples hands. I am also thinking of doing something that involves voice like a GPS. If the user had headphones it would seem as if they were just listening to music not directions thus the person would never seem like they don't know where they are going which is what I think I would want as you don't want to let on that you don't know where your going amoungst strangers.

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