In terms of looking back at the storyboard I made for it I have made quite a few changes...
Firstly when beginning the animation, drawing the 'e' for each of the views I decided to only have two different coloured variations, being the black model with white outline, when the background is black and black with white 'belly' when the background is white.
White Background 'e' |
White Background 'e' |
Black Background 'e' |
I did this as the colour scheme I had in the storyboard was confusing and unnecessary.
Another thing I did not do which I had in my storyboard was making my 'r' grow and shrink as he laughed, a sort of chuckling movement. I found this would have been unnecessary as having the 'r' become taller in those shots showed its authority/dominance and I think making him chuckle would have been an unnecessary detail which would have only humanised it which this project wasn't about.
Also the recent changes I made after the preview session which I mentioned in my last blog changed it a bit from the original storyboard.
Another edit I made from the storyboard is the last shot. I decided to make it a slow zoom out from the 'd' to 'MUrdeR' as it fitted it better I believe as after the e is killed the action level has dropped so it did not need a violent zoom out, only a slower more conclusive zoom which slowly gives away my word.
I think all these changes have been necessary and effective in helping to better convey my word and keep my project within the assessment criteria.
One thing I did which kept my clip close to my storyboard was create my own typeface. I did this firstly so I could use different camera angles without having a flat image, this was important with trying to convey murder, as in order to show the horror of murder I wanted to use high angles to show vulnerability, and low angle shots to show power and dominance and I don't think this would have been as successful using a flat preexisting typeface then just using the 3D tool to rotate it along the x axis as you would be left with an obviously flat image, which takes away any illusion of true depth. Another reason I used my own typeface was because it was exactly what I wanted, I wanted something with sharp edges to insinuate danger to help convey Murder.
In terms of my audio for my clip, all of it was sourced from and, I think the sound I have found fits well with my word and helps convey the meaning of it as it creates a horror atmosphere which is generally associated with murder.
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